Book Review: Resistance is Futile!

I love Audible. All those bitching about Jeff Bezos and some of his questionable employment practices (that’s you, Bernie Sanders) really do not understand how awesome capitalism is. I can not read a book and listen to another. I am getting smarter by the second. Those who are getting...


Finally, It Is Done!

Finally, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is now Justice Brett Kavanaugh. That poor bastard went through hell. It took three months and scores of vile rhetoric. He has been called evil (well, I guess he is a lawyer), said he will destroy the Constitution, (he’s a textualist which means he reads...


A Very Dark Path We Are Walking Now

I know, last week, that I wrote about the whole Brett Kavanaugh debacle and probably wrote in a very angry tone. Well, I am angrier today than I was last week. This chaos is very dangerous for our country. It is leading us down a very dark path. I...


Human Filth vs. Cowards = Nothing Gets Done

So I have been waiting for Bret Kavanaugh to get confirmed for the Supreme Court. Of course, the Democrats think this is a bad idea because Kavanaugh is a textualist (one who rules based off the exact wording of the Constitution). So, of course, the Democrats have released some...


My Favorite Books

My girlfriend’s daughter asked me an awesome question. One that I really had to think about. She asked: “What are your favorite books.” This was a shock to my system. I didn’t know how to answer. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead. What makes a book that is...


Ridiculous Stories of the Week: The Dracula Diet

zHere are my weird stories of the week. I really don’t have much to say for an introduction. This crap is just weird. Let’s cut the B.S. and get to it. Plastic Surgery Has Never Sounded So Good I listen to a podcast called “True Crime Guys.” These guys...


Book Review: The Gutfeld Monologues

A beautiful thing happens at the beginning of the month. I get my monthly Audible credit. I have found Audible to be a an awesome find. It allows me to listen to a book while I continue to read what I need to read. So books like Dreamland and 12 Rules for...


Where Was I That Fateful Day

I was up a 6:30 in the morning. Just a typical day. I had to teach a class in Oxnard, California. Oxnard in in the middle of Ventura county and it would take my thirty minutes to get there. I liked to get to class early so I could...
