Josie and I decided to go on a hike on Sunday. This turned out to be easier said than done. I thought Josie was going to kill me (though none of it was really my fault). First, I wanted to go on the Orozco Truck Trail, a 14-mile trail through the hills...

F**k, I Gotta Run: A Love Story
I am a runner. If you have read any of my previous blogs, you will know that. I have been since the age of 14. Running and I have a relationship, much like a husband and wife. At first, there is that lust stage (which is a very short period...

Race Report: The San Diego 50 Mile, Part 3
This is the last part of my race report. This part will be a lot shorter and will just go over the damage that occurred (blisters and so forth) and lessons learned. I use this simply to remind myself of what I need to do next time I race...

Race Report: The San Diego 50 Mile, Part 2
The first section of the report about the San Diego 50 mile race mainly covered the course. When I reached the halfway point, describing the course in reverse seems kind of worthless. Seeing that I was suffering to the point of quitting, I am going to go over what...

Race Report: The San Diego 50 Mile, Part 1
This is my report for the San Diego 50 trail race. I figured it would be best to post this as a blog entry instead of writing it down in my running journal because then others can see it and it would be backed up for all eternity (I...

Stanley Peak and Daley Ranch: A Weekend Hike
Josie and I decided to take a hike on Sunday. We had not gone in a while and thought we could both use the exercise. We decided to go to Daley Ranch, which is around Dixon Lake in Escondido. I had never been there before and we were not...

Vacation Time: Big Bear Trip, Day 2
On the second day of our Big Bear trip, we were faced with the age old question we have all been faced with at one time or another: Should we go skiing or snow boarding? We were struggling with this question for weeks. We had skied before and knew...

Something to Keep on Running
With running, there is always fear of injury. We will spend hundreds of dollars on shoes. We will change our gait to minimize pain. We will even get a coach to teach us how to run and train to avoid injury. But one thing we always take for granted...

Los Penasquitos Canyon Trail
Time for Josie and I to go on another hike. I have worn my new boots at work so they were pretty much broken in. Josie had not worn hers since our last hike so I thought it was going to be Blister City for her. But blisters and...

So Much for Flying the Drone This Week
It happens every five to ten years in California. The most recent one started in 2011-2012. We did not get any rain. And people continued to use water. We expected an El Nino in 2015. An El Nino is when warm water flows and mixes with cold water creating...