My routine was simple. I would wake up in the morning and skip breakfast. Go to work and get hungry by about 9 AM, so I would search the office for food. There was always something: doughnuts, bagels or pastries of some kind. If, on the off chance, there is no food around, I could count on finding bowls of candy in every department. I would take two or three pieces per department until I have enough to get me through my hunger. I would combine that with three to four cups of coffee.
Two hours later, lunch time. Lunch would consist of two things: fast food or nothing. After an hour I was back at work. Usually taking down another two cups of coffee. The pang of hunger would hit again at around three. The candy hunt starts again. Sometimes I would get lucky and there would be leftovers from a lunch meeting.
I would go home around four and snack on something. Usually chips or some fruit. My ex-wife never cooked so pizza was a common dinner time meal. We would eat that. Later in the evening, I might have a beer to two to relax. At about nine, I would hunt for leftover pizza and eat two slices of that. If there was no pizza, ice cream or a frozen burrito would work too.
That was my routine. Is it a wonder I blew up to 210 pounds? This is what I do now.
I wake up an hour early and workout for about thirty minutes. I am slower in the morning so I do not expect to finish. I microwave three eggs with salt and pepper (protein) after my workout. I go to work. I drink two cups of coffee and a glass of water (contrary to popular belief, coffee counts as water intake and is not as bad for you as most people think). At nine, I get hungry and will have peanuts, cashews or make a peanut butter sandwich (more protein). I will drink two more glasses of water.
At noon, I will eat a sandwich consisting of meat (roast beef or turkey. Subway is good) or another peanut butter sandwich (more protein. See the pattern?). I will have two glasses of water for lunch and two glasses of water for the early afternoon. Notice I ease off the coffee? I may or may not have a cup but the water seems to take away my cravings. At two o’clock, you guessed it, I have ten to twelve more nuts or a peanut butter sandwich (more protein). I will typically also have some fruit (orange or an apple). After work, I run.
We have stopped ordering out for dinner. I cook. My ex-wife is a vegetarian and the rest of us are not, so if I want meat, I have to cook. I stop at the grocery store and pick up dinner. Dinner will be made up of a meat, vegetable and a starch. Steak, chicken, salmon or pork chops for our meat (whatever is on sale). Green beans, peas or broccoli for our vegetable. Corn, rice or potato for the starch. We drink water. No more soda. We do not have desert because everyone is usually satisfied.
After dinner, I finish what is left of my workout. Usually, no more than thirty minutes, and I do it in front of the television. If I get hungry, I will have some more nuts or some fruit. I stop eating by nine and am usually in bed by ten or eleven.
A couple of things to remember here:
- Drink lots of water. Changing to an all protein diet is extreme and could lead to other issues. Mine was gout. Urination becomes very important. Drinking water also leads to appetite suppression.
- Find the food you like. The food listed is what I like. You might like something else. My last post in the series will give a list of food that is just as good.
- There has been a lot made of fat and carbs over the past few years. Do not fear them. Anything in moderation is good. And, contrary to how some diets work, are necessary for a healthy body.
- Eat throughout the day. Do not skip a meal or snack. You need the calories and protein.
- Alcohol is not bad in moderation. Red wine is best. A glass, not a bottle.
- Finally, blow your diet for one meal a week. Have a Big Mac, fries and a Coke. You deserve it. I go to In and Out once a week and it is heaven. Just be aware that your stomach might not be used to the fat and grease.
Stay on target with your BMR (refer to Part 1 which was published last month). It is better to go a little over than go under especially now that you are exercising. Next post will be The best foods to eat. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the great food this “diet” allows.
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