Addiction Sucks…Especially When It Makes You Fat

I was cruising through Twitter today, looking for my next blog topic. I had not posted anything serious lately, so I thought I would be able to find something political online. I was munching on some pretzels someone had bought from Costco. I like munching on something when researching because I am doing something while thinking.

Now, when I am hunting for ideas on Twitter, I go through the first twenty or thirty posts. I will read the articles and decide if there is something that I can write about. If there is not, I will refresh the page and start the hunt again. Well, I spent about an hour going through articles and found nothing. Just stuff about Donald Trump being evil and some college snowflake complaining about a word triggering emotional distress. Same old stuff.

Then I noticed that I had eaten about four pounds (1.81 kilograms for the metric system folk) of pretzels. That got me thinking. I can eat pretzels all day, every day. Why not write an article of the most addicting foods. Foods that one can eat, without stopping, until they either run out or pass out and die? So here are my top five most addicting foods (I already mentioned pretzels so I won’t add that one in the list).


I have taken down a two pound bag of these little dandies more than once. Throw me the peanut M&M’s and I am in seventh heaven. I actually avoid buying large bags of these things because I know I will eat them. The Mars company must know this because they are one of the most expensive candy bags out there.

I still do not know the story behind the green ones. Maybe I will have to look that up.

Potato Chips

Crisps/chips falling out of the packet.

Does not matter what kind. All potato chips. Lays, Fritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, does not matter. I can eat a family size bag by myself. I am partial to Lay’s Sour Cream and Onion. Love Fritos but my age is catching up to me and I get heartburn. Chips just show you that all a company needs to do is throw a slices potato into a vat of oil and add a lot of salt (plus any artificial flavoring) and you can make a mint.

I have made my own chips and they taste great too. I avoid chips like the plague (even when I go to Subway) because they are REALLY bad for me.

Sunflower Seeds

Love sunflower seeds. I can take down a two pound bag in a day. This is a good thing since it keeps me from chewing tobacco. They are loaded with protein too (though the salt can counteract the health benefits of the protein). There is just something about sticking two hundred seeds in my cheek and cracking them with my teeth and tongue.

But I will go a step further. I like all nuts. Cashews, peanuts and walnuts can keep me satisfied all day.


Finally, something with no salt, no fat and a ton of vitamins. Something that keeps you hydrated and satiated without adding a tone of weight. Something that even helps to keep me regular. Grapes are awesome and I will go through a one pound bag while watching Big Bang theory.

The only problem is they can be expensive and they are seasonal. That is until those geniuses at the genetic labs figured things out. I actually found grapes in the middle of winter for $1.99 a pound. And they were firm and sweet. Technology is awesome.

Beef Jerky


For all you vegetarians, close your eyes. I am a meat eater. And I love my meat in two ways: bleeding (really rare) or dried up. Beef jerky is one of my favorite snack items. it is also pretty good for you. There is a ton of protein in beef jerky (it also has a fair amount of fat a sugar so don’t get too crazy with it). When I was on my high protein diet to lose weight, nuts and beef jerk were my snacks.

Only problem with it is that it can be very expensive for what you get. I am currently trying to make my own beef jerky. Something I thought about in Big Bear last month. And it is pretty easy to make according to the Internet (though I could set water on fire, so we’ll see). Maybe that will be another blog post…hmm.

One More Thing…

Want to know what pisses me off most when it comes to snacks? Fun sizes. I hate fun sizes. You know those little bags that come with six M&Ms that give you a taste but never really makes you happy? I hate those. I am not sure what is fun about having not enough to eat. Venezuela should not call their bread shortage a “bread shortage” but call it a “bread fun size”. I dread Halloween because I know the kids will end up with bags filled with assorted fun sizes. I would rather not eat the snacks at all than have two hundred fun size bags and still want more.

I would love to hear about your favorite snacks. I know I have a ton more. Post a reply with your favorite.

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