Movie Review: How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days

It’s a Netflix night and we are looking for comedies. Josie found the movie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I hesitantly agreed to watch it. I guess we were not going to watch a comedy. The movie was released in 2003. It received a 42% on


Is that Real Journalism?

I am feeling political tonight. I saw some things today that really got me thinking. What is journalism? Are there ethics involved or is everything fair game just to a story? This week, a former Trump campaign aid, Sam Nunberg, decided to take a media tour. He worked as...


Logan Turns 1!!

Logan turned 1 this weekend. Cannot believe that things have been going so fast. I thought it best just to show you the pictures since no words to describe this wonderful event. There is Logan, the star of the show. There is the little family. Josh on the left...


Just the Two of Us…

Last night was a rough night. It was freezing. I know you folks in the east coast don’t think that we, in California, know what freezing is and that is true. But anything under 40 degrees is cold. It was so cold, I could not sleep. I actually was...


Movie Review: The Notebook

Ugh, I cried. I said I wouldn’t and didn’t want to see this movie but I did and it happened. But I am getting ahead of myself. WARNING: THERE ARE SPOILERS (though this movie is so old, you should know that by now. Darth Vader is Luke’s father too)....


Probably Ain’t Gonna Happen

After the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, there has been a lot of talk about repealing the Second Amendment (right to bear arms). I believe the whole conversation is a waste of time not because the victims are wrong but because the process of amending the Constitution is almost impossible....


Weekend Hike: South Clevenger Canyon Trail

Josie and I decided to go on a hike on Sunday. This turned out to be easier said than done. I thought Josie was going to kill me (though none of it was really my fault). First, I wanted to go on the Orozco Truck Trail, a 14-mile trail through the hills...


My Favorite Running Manuals

I was on Twitter today and I saw a post about the best running books out there. I thought this was quite a coincidence because I am finishing up on my favorite running book now (again, I might add). Of course, I posted my three favorites. But, long after I posted, I realized that I...


F**k, I Gotta Run: A Love Story

I am a runner. If you have read any of my previous blogs, you will know that. I have been since the age of 14. Running and I have a relationship, much like a husband and wife. At first, there is that lust stage (which is a very short period...


What’s All the Hubbub About? Part 2

In the last article, we talked about the Nunez memo and went over the story involving this Trump Dossier. Again, I did not know how much information would be in a four page document and did not think there could be much new. I have talked to many people...
