Movie Review: 47 Meters Down

It is Friday night and we have decided to stop by Red Box and get a movie. Josie had a horror movie in mind but did not know the title and could not find it. So we picked up a movie called 47 Meters Down. There was a shark on the cover and sharks are kewl (which is far more awesome than “cool”) so we rented it.

This movie was written by Johannas Roberts and Ernest Riera. It was written by Johannas Roberts. It was released in 2017. It starred Mandy Moore, Claire Holt and Matthew Modine. The movie did not receive a lot of love from or averaging just over 50% good ratings. Luckily, we did not look at the ratings when we rented it.

The movie was about Lisa and Kate (Moore and Holt, respectively), two sisters on a trip to Mexico. They meet two young Mexican studs, who sweep them off their feet. The two studs (their names are not important) decide to take them on a shark diving trip (the two go in a shark cage). Lisa is not so sure it is a good idea because the guide they are going with is not recommended by the hotel (who can blame her), but Kate convinces her to go anyway.

While the two are in the shark cage, the wince breaks (even with those strict Mexican safety regulations) and the sinks to the bottom of the sea (you guessed it, 47 meters deep). So, there you go. Two chicks are stuck 150 below the surface of the ocean with a bunch of the largest Great White sharks that swim the oceans.

First, the good. The mood was awesome. It was dark, almost claustrophobic. You felt the panic the girls were experiencing. You never knew when the sharks would be coming, how much air they would have and the helpless feeling they felt when getting lost in that vast ocean. It was truly a tense movie.

The bad: the ending. I know all movies, these days, need to have a happy ending, but that was really dumb. I won’t give away the ending, but the U.S. Coast Guard is not going to rescue anyone in Mexican waters.

The ugly: obviously Johannas never watched a Jacques Cousteau special on National Geographic (I know he is dead but there are reruns). Sharks do not swim backwards. Falling 150 to the ocean floor so fast will kill anyone. Breathing in a panic state will not take forty-five minutes to exhaust a tank of oxygen. I mean, I get the concept of “suspension of disbelief” but this got a little ridiculous.

Now, I know the above paragraphs seem like I am trashing this movie, but I actually kind of enjoyed it. I mean, I don’t see any Oscars for it in the future, but we were entertained. I think this movie is definitely worth a rental. It is rated PG-13 for terror and some violence. There is no sex and the language is rather tame. Josie’s twelve year old watched it with us and seemed fine with it.

I give it a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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