OK. This Is What I Am Going To Do…

Concept image of a lost and confused signpost against a blue cloudy sky.

Concept image of a lost and confused signpost against a blue cloudy sky.

Over the last few days, I have been lost. I have absolutely no idea what to write about. Because of that, I have procrastinated on writing much of anything. And I need to continue to write.

Do I write about something I have done? About Politics? Another movie review? How about a book review? How about my favorite blog post by another Steemit member? Or do I teach you something? How about something I just think would be funny?

I have an idea: How about all of the above? OK, how am I going to do that?

I was taking a shower and needed to ignite my creative side. In college, I learned that I could be creative by using my opposite hand. I am right-handed so I decided to soap myself with my left hand to stimulate creative thought. Now I did hurt my right testicle and I thing certain parts of me are going to smell funny tomorrow, but I did come up with a good idea. I am going to schedule my topics.


I know, I know. I initiated the creative portion of my brain (and injured some very important parts of my anatomy) just to find I need to be more structured. Do not think too much just following along.

I need to be very organized and exact. I have issues being spontaneous. To the point that by bowel movements are scheduled in my Outlook calendar (marked as private, mind you). Why fight it? Why not organized my creative side? So that just what I am going to do. So here is what I am going to do.



I am going to talk about what I did during the weekend. I know that this is a very self-centered post. Does anyone really give a rat’s butt (can I say “ass”? Think I’ll hold off) about what I do? I don’t know and I don’t care. It is by blog so there you go. I will just have to make it entertaining. Just a little about me: I am a home body. Maybe knowing that I have to post something about my weekend will get me out of the house and do something interesting. I also have a GoPro that is gathering dust. Maybe I can finally fill one of the SD cards with something other than Pokemon go pictures.



This is going to be “Review Night”. I read a lot. I watch movies a lot. And people seem to like reading about my reviews. On this day, I will review a movie or book. My review will contain technical information about what I am reviewing, a non-spoiler synopsis and then my opinions about the thing that I am reviewing. I will conclude with a rating of 1 to 5 stars. One means it sucked and five means it is a classic.



The election is on Tuesday. I think I might have a word or two to say about it on Wednesday. So Politics Day will be on Wednesday. I will talk about whatever I have read about the pisses me off. Could be anything. You should read those nights. That way you will know why I am in the news on Thursday for being beaten up.



This will be “Teach You Something” day. I love learning. I know a lot of stuff without being an expert on anything in particular. Why not disperse my knowledge on crap you would never, otherwise, need or want to learn? Here is you chance to learn worthless skills (unless we are experiencing the apocalypse. Then, maybe). This would be awesome for me because then I would have to keep learning. I will try to keep it interesting.



Friday is going to be my day. I am going to write about anything. It might be a list of something. It might be a thought I had and want to elaborate on in writing. It might be an insane manifesto about the need to bath in pudding while serenading pigeons with Russian folk songs. Who knows? It is my day.

Saturday and Sunday


Not sure you will hear from me on these days. But, I am sure, if something comes up, I will blog about it.

Sounds good? Well, if something does not work for you or you want to read about something specific, tell me in the comments. I will probably ignore them but, if I am interested, there is always Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Pictures courtesy of



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