I Will Be Back

I was walking through work the other day. We have a campus so I do not see the same people all the time like a lot of people do. But, being an IT guy, I have met just about everyone. I am a social animal so I am not shy about telling people about my social media, vlog, blog and web site. While walking, someone stopped me and asked why I have not posted in a few weeks. I was pretty consistent and would post an article or two per week. I was actually surprised that I had not written anything in a while (and that someone noticed).

So, today, I decided to explain what I am doing so the three people who read my blog can know I have not stopped. Then, at the end, I will make a promise. I am watching Alien right now a Sigourney (is that how you spell it?) Weaver is in her underwear (God, she was hot) so if I have a misspelling, you know why.

I am writing my book. A book I have been planning for years. It is becoming reality. It will be called “From Fat to Phat: The Fat Person’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon” It will be about how an obese person can herself from being very heavy to an acceptable weight (through a scientifically prove, long lasting weight control method) and  be able to get in shape enough to run a 100 mile ultra marathon. The book is based on what I have done (no, it is not an autobiography, I actually want someone to get something out of the book). Ten years ago, I stood 5’7″ and weight 210 pounds. I was fat and, actually, facing a heart attack.

I had always been a fan of running and thought that I could run the fat off. Big mistake. I was too heavy. My legs and back could not handle it. I needed to find a better way to lose weight so that I run again. That is when I remembered a college health class I took twenty-five years prior. two years later, I had lost forty-five pounds, could do fifty push ups, and ran my first 100 mile ultra marathon (I also got a divorce, so not everything was perfect).

The reason it took me so long to write this is because it is a hell of an undertaking. This book is going to cover a lot of subjects and, in whole, would take forever to finish. Even organizing it was going to be tough. That is when a buddy told me to break the book into sections and then publish those sections on Amazon Kindle. When the whole book is complete, then publish it in print in whole.

So that’s what I am doing. That’s why I have been absent. So here is my promise: one article a week. I will take a day off just to write an article to post to my blog.

Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl

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