What to Expect


This presidential election has a lot at stake. At least two supreme court justices will need to be picked, maybe three. There is the way with ISIS. Issues with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. We need to mend fences with Israel. We have a weak economy and a soaring national debt. There is a lot in the world that we need to worry about. With that being said, I have one word for you that will apply no matter who wins the election tomorrow:


The country and the world will continue on. Anarchy will not spread through the streets. The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west. The moon will not crash into the earth. the arctic will not melt. We will not be invaded by polar bears. Dogs will still hate cats.


If Trump wins, there will not be a nuclear war. Illegal immigrants will not be loaded into trucks and sent back into Mexico. Muslims with not be strung up in trees. The country will move on.


If Clinton wins, guns will probably still be available. We will, still, not be able to kill one-year-old babies. We will still have our churches. We will still be able to say what we want. The country will move on.

Yes, there are a lot of important things that can happen in the next four years. But these problems are no different than what we experienced thirty years ago. And we moved on.

So enjoy the election tonight and Do not jump out of a window if your candidate loses. Have a beer and enjoy democracy while we still have it.


Have a beer!

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