What’s in a Sitcom?

It is a Wednesday night and I am watching Episode 14 of Season 8 of the show Frazier. Now, this show first aired in 2003. Thirteen years ago. What is odd is I am watching this show for the third time in the last four years.

And I know I am going to watch it again. The question I have is: why?

Yes, it is funny. But so is Cheers, Mad Men and Big Bang Theory and I don’t watch those over and over again. Heck, I wasn’t even interested in the show when it was on air. So why am I hooked on the show now?

Well, I know why. There are some shows that have personal value, and this show does.

The show is about a 40-something-year-old who is freshly divorced and is trying to make a new life for himself in the city he was raised. But this transition is not an easy one. Moving to the west coast from the east coast; being reaquainted with his brilliant, insecure and competive brother, and having to reunite and live with his grouchy, bitter father who is going through his own life changes.

Though the show is very funny (boardering on zaney at time) there is a lot of heart felt lessons that can be taken from it. Especially by me who sees a lot of Frazier in myself.

Though the show does not end the way I was hoping, it does fill me with hope and life lessons that comfort me and fill me with that hope.

I am going to start a a new series within my blog giving a short explanation of the episodes of the show and what it means to me. I hope that the few people who read this and may have never seen the show before may pop open Netflix one day and give the show a try.


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