
Video Log: Night with the Padres

New video log created last night. Getting better at these things but still need to work out the editing. I’ll get better. This weekend was a busy one. This will be the first of three. Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl


Ugh! Just Admit and Accept That You’re Human

Josie (my girlfriend) want to complete the San Diego half marathon Triple Crown. The races are the Carlsbad Half Marathon, the La Jolla Half Marathon and the America’s Finest City Half Marathon. After that, she wants to run the full Carlsbad Marathon. So training is tough. We were running...


Playoff Time: Woot WOOT!

In 1980, I heard those words that will live in infamy: “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!” It was an amazing moment. Because of the disaster of Vietnam, the corruption of Watergate, the Iranian hostage crisis, the gas shortage and the brutality of disco; the United States needed something to...
